Learning Reflection

I agree with the statement made by Eben Moglen regarding the point that copyright is a system set in place to protect distributes and this intern hinders on learning and the freedom to learn and the sharing of ideas which big corporates are so selfishly trying by all means to ensure that they maintain control of what they themselves "Stole". I believe that knowledge is not a commodity that can be privately owned for selfish reasons to generate financial gains for the minority but should be for all who wish to access and use it. Creators,re-mixers and so on, create ideas of freedom which fosters learning which will manifest into knowledge that can be shared again and reused and remixed by others as well. As far as if learners and educators should ask for permission before building onto the ideas of others, think of this scenario for a moment, A builder attempts to build a house, but only builds for walls and ends off there, another builder adds on to those walls by adding a roof to the original structure and ends off there, and comes another builder who adds windows and doors to the structure and so on and on, but in the end the house was complete but through a collaboration of different ideas and skills.


  1. Whilst I am sure that most people have an innate dislike of the current copyright and patent system, do you think we can all adopt Moglen's view and move to a totally free society? Whilst the software might be free, would this work for the hardware too - who will design the chips? Is there something inherently bad about buying software that doesn't also apply to buying hardware? Attribute and re-mixing is fine, but I think at times the open evangelism on this course is a touch extreme!


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